Succession Planning and Asset Protection

Without a comprehensive business succession plan, the transition of business ownership after the death, retirement or departure of a partner can hinder the company’s growth and success.

Our list of services includes expertise in succession planning tailored to provide a smooth transition of your business, limiting the interruption of opportunity flow by succession conflicts.

Our focus is especially on the protection of company assets and business preservation. In addition, our succession planning services address possible exit strategies, restructuring, mergers, acquisitions or sales, especially intra-family sales.

In the same way, the team at Lotti e Araújo Law Firm also assists clients in asset protection with transfer or disposal of the company’s intellectual property assets, elaboration of family protocols for management of family companies, negotiation and elaboration of purchase and sale contracts that establish specific procedures for the succession of a business, creation of companies as holding companies to facilitate the transfer of shares or quotas, as well as other commercial interests to family members or heirs, with minimal tax consequences.